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Is this possible?


I would really love to play UO outlands, but I have vision issues, so the UI is hard to see. Can I take the UI elements for the enhanced client & have the in outlands? Like is there a folder that I can just paste the UI elements fro UOEC to UOO?
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It dependson which elements - you do have some control over gumps and such with Gump Overrides - but I doubt you'll be able to change enough of it to satisfy what you are trying to do.

It dependson which elements - you do have some control over gumps and such with Gump Overrides - but I doubt you'll be able to change enough of it to satisfy what you are trying to do.

:( I sjould prob. just stop trying to figure out a way to get a clear UI. I just want to replace the UI. That is a shot from UOO. If the font was bold & darjer on the status window it would be easier to read.


  • Untitled.jpg
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If your sight is really that bad, then why don't you try to change your monitor resolution to something like 1360x768 and see if that helps?
If your sight is really that bad, then why don't you try to change your monitor resolution to something like 1360x768 and see if that helps?
The UI coors are to close together, the status bare & what ever that other part is, below the paper doll.
If your sight is really that bad, then why don't you try to change your monitor resolution to something like 1360x768 and see if that helps?
It is the UI, like if I could replace it with the enhanced client UI that may help.
You can't replace it with the enhanced client so you can toss that idea off the plate. You cannot do an art mod either because Outlands has a custom client that packages files together in a way that isn't read by a standard UO client. This means you cannot edit them. So you are likely out of options.
You can't replace it with the enhanced client so you can toss that idea off the plate. You cannot do an art mod either because Outlands has a custom client that packages files together in a way that isn't read by a standard UO client. This means you cannot edit them. So you are likely out of options.
You can use Gump Overrides to replace any UI elements you want, but this isn't easy information to access.

I recently created my own gumps for UO Outlands because of Gumpoverrides.
While I am not going to be sharing those.
I will start working on something that will help you play the game with your vision.

I think I know what your problem is:
However, I will need some way to communicate with you. Then I can know exactly what your requirements are, so send me a message and I'll get back to you.
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