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PATCH Expansion - Weapon Abilities


Staff Member
Weapon Abilities


  • Players are now able to perform Weapon Abilities against Creatures in combat
  • Each Weapon Skill now has 3 different Weapon Abilities players can unlock and activate

  • In order to perform a Weapon Ability, players must meet the Skill Requirements needed to utilize that weapon's related Codex (typically 80+ Weapon Skill and 80+ Tactics)
  • Players must also have the related Codex in their Backpack

Unlocking Weapon Abilities
  • Each individual Weapon Ability for players will begin Locked and players must Unlock them with Upgrade Points within that weapon's related Codex
  • Players can earn Upgrade Points for a Weapon Codex by killing creatures using any weapon utilizing that Codex's skill
  • Players can click the Up Arrow next to "Pts to Unlock" at the bottom of the Codex Menu to Unlock a specific Weapon Ability

  • Once Unlocked, the Lock symbol for the Weapon Ability will be replaced with a large orb-shaped Weapon Ability Meter

  • Players can click the Small Orb button next to each Weapon Ability to see a description of what the ability does

Weapon Ability Meter
  • In order for players to perform Weapon Abilities, they must first Fill their Weapon Ability Meter
  • All three Weapon Abilities for the player share the same Weapon Ability Meter, which ranges from 0% to 100% Fill

  • Every 6 seconds the player's Weapon Ability Meter will fill by 10%
  • Every 6 seconds the player's Weapon Ability Meter will also fill by an additional (10% * (Arms Lore Skill / 100%))

  • When the Weapon Fill Meter reaches 100%, players will be able to activate one of their unlocked Weapon Abilities

Activating Weapon Abilities
  • If a player's Weapon Ability Meter is at 100%, they can activate one of their unlocked Weapon Abilities
  • Players can Activate a Weapon Ability by clicking the Weapon Ability Meter button itself next to the ability name
  • Players can Deactivate an Activated Weapon Ability by clicking it a second time
  • Activated Weapon Abilities will switch to a Swords Orb Icon and have Green text for its name

Alternatively players can use the following Commands to Activate a Weapon Ability for a weapon
  • [WeaponAbility1
  • [WeaponAbility2
  • [WeaponAbility3

Triggering Weapon Abilities
  • Once a player has Activated a Weapon Ability, it will trigger on the next successful Melee Hit landed onto a Creature
  • Upon triggering, the player's Weapon Ability Meter will return to 0% Fill and the Weapon Ability will be deselected

Codex Hotbar
  • Weapon Ability buttons are now available on the Codex Hotbar
  • Players can launch the Codex Hotbar by clicking the "Hotbar" button at the bottom of the Weapon Codex menu or by typing [CodexHotbar

Weapon Ability Hotbar
  • Players can also launch a dedicated Weapon Abilities Hotbar by typing [AbilityHotbar or [AbilitiesHotbar

Weapon Abilities for skills are as follows:

Arcane Abilities
  • Seeking: For next 15 seconds accuracy increased by 25% and attack speed increased by 15%
  • Leyline: For next 15 seconds player recovers 5 mana every 3 seconds
  • Soulfire: Immediately applies maximum arcane buildup

Archery Abilities
  • Skirmish: For next 15 seconds damage increased by 25% and can fire while moving
  • Full Draw: For next 15 seconds damage increased by 35%, but must be stationary for 5 seconds to fire
  • Repeater: If not currently stealthed, immediately makes 3 additional hit attempts, each with a 66% chance to inflict 100% of weapon damage (scaled by weapon speed)

Fencing Abilities
  • Gambit: For next 15 seconds damage increased by 40% but 10% chance any hits will convert into misses
  • Swiftstrikes: For next 15 seconds each hit increases attack speed by 5% (scaled by weapon speed) up to a max of 25%
  • Bane: Immediately resolve 3 poison ticks if player has an active weapon-applied poison on creature

Fishing Abilities
  • Rouse: For next 15 seconds all damage dealt by ship crewmembers increased by 25%
  • Scourge: For next 15 seconds the impale weapon special will hit 2 additional targets, or apply an additional 30% damage bonus for each unused additional target
  • Buoy: Immediately restore 5% of each crewmembers health

Macing Abilities
  • Pummel: For next 15 seconds each hit increases damage by 10% (scaled by weapon speed) up to a max of 40%
  • Stun: For next 15 seconds weapon specials will also apply a (pierce effect / 10) second hinder to target
  • Smash: Melee hit that triggers ability has its damage increased by 300% (damage further scaled by weapon speed), but has a 25% chance to instead inflict 1 damage

Swords Abilities
  • Spinslash: For next 15 seconds accuracy, damage, and weapon special chance increased by 15%
  • Rend: Immediately resolve all remaining bleed ticks player has on target and for next 15 seconds new weapon special bleed effects are increased by 25% damage
  • Chop: Melee hit that triggers ability damage is increased by 200% (damage further scaled by weapon speed)

Wrestling Abilities
  • Brawl: For next 15 seconds each hit increases accuracy, damage, and attack speed by 4% (scaled by weapon speed) up to a max of 20%
  • Haymaker: For next 15 seconds player can trigger finishers when target is at 50% health or below, or after a 45 second cooldown on bosses
  • Takedown: Melee hit that triggers ability has 100% chance of weapon special and will apply 300% of normal weapon special effect
Weapon abilities are great!
Please add system or overhead messages when the Weapon Abilities are full so they're visually easier to track overhead like other item/skills we have.