- The Jawbreaker is a week long PvP event where players can gain temporary access to a new Jawbreaker region
- The Jawbreaker region is an Grey Zone where players will battle each other (among other activities) to increase their [EventScore for the event

- Whenever a player participates in a PvP Event (Town Struggles, Corpse Creek Contests, Dungeon Flashpoints, Stygian Rifts) and earns 1 or more Reward Points they will also be given 1 Peppermint Pass which will be placed in their Bank Box
- Players participating in any Arena Tournament and earning 1 or more Reward Points will be given 1 Peppermint Pass which will be placed in their Bank Box
- Players will also receive 1 Peppermint Pass for every 1000 Faction Score they earn (not including Faction Dungeons) which will be placed in their Bank Box
- Peppermint Passes are bound to the player (cannot be used by other players) and cannot be Stolen (but will drop on death)
- Players will need to spend a Peppermint Pass bound to them in order to gain access to the Jawbreaker event
- All Peppermint Passes will be removed at the conclusion of the event

- In order to participate in the event, players must first locate a "Candy Man" NPC
- If players say "Event", "Jawbreaker", or "Candy" near the NPC, or double-click them, it will launch the Event Menu
- Players gain access to the Jawbreaker event region by having a Peppermint Pass (that is bound to them) in their Bank Box or Backpack and then clicking the "Enter Jawbreaker" button in the menu, which will teleport them to the region
- Players are only allowed to enter the Jawbreaker within 15 minutes after a PvP Event has concluded (which includes Town Struggles, Corpse Creek Contest, Dungeon Flashpoints, and Stygian Rifts)

- Players can also Shift-Click the NPC and select the "Event" context menu entry to launch the Battle Event Menu

A Candy Man near Corpse Creek
- Once players enter the Jawbreaker, they will have 15 Minutes Time Left in the region
- After a player's Time Left reaches 0, they will be Ejected back to town (the last town they used a Moongate from)

- The Jawbreaker region is a Grey Zone where players can freely attack each other
- Players will ALWAYS be treated as being Recently in PvP while in the region (which will disable Aspects, Mastery Chains, Codexes, etc)
- All items on a player are considered Blessed while in the region
- Players are NOT allowed to bring Mounts or Followers into the region, and cannot summon Followers while inside
- Players cannot Steal from each other while in the region
- Players cannot Hide or become Invisible while inside the region
- Players cannot become Disguised, Incognito, or Polymorphed while inside the region
- Tracking Distances while in the region are reduced by 75%
- Players are allowed to cast a maximum of 3 Field Spells while in the event (similar to Town Struggle handling)

- When player enters the Jawbreaker, they will automatically have a Jawbreaker Hotbar displayed for them
- This hotbar shows the player's remaining Time Left in the region
- If a player closes the hotbar, they can relaunch it by typing [Jawbreaker

- For every 30 seconds the player spends in the event region, they will earn 30 points towards their [EventScore

When a player dies inside the Jawbreaker, several events occur:
Killing another player in the event is worth up to a maximum of 300 points towards their [EventScore, but is adjusted as follows:
- Each player who damaged the victim within the last 30 seconds will receive points towards their [EventScore scaled based on their Total Damage % dealt to the victim (ie. 50% of total damage = 150 Event Score)
- If a player is ever Fully Healed (100% Health), it will clear all Damage History from them of players who damaged them previously
- Players will receive no points for killing Guildmates
- If the victim has less than 5 minutes of Time Left in the region, the initial 300 Points [EventScore value of the player will be scaled downwards based on that player's Time Left (i.e. a player with 3 minutes Time Left in the region would have an [EventScore worth of 180 instead of 300)

- When a player dies within the event, they will not lose any of their items
- The victim's Time Left for the region will be reduced by 5 Minutes

- If after dying, if the victim still has any Time Left, they will automatically resurrected and be teleported to a random location within the region

- If dying causes the victim's Time Left to reach 0, they will automatically be Ejected from the region and their current event session ended

- A limited number of Creatures will spawn within the region
- Players can kill these creatures to increase their [EventScore by (40 * Player's Damage Dealt %) to the creature

- During the event, Candy Trees will occasionally spawn in the event region
- Players can double-click these items to damage them
- When a Candy Tree reaches 0 hit points, the last player to damage them will break it and earn 20 points towards their [EventScore

- During the event, a limited number Tunnels will occasionally spawn throughout the region
- If a player walks over a Tunnel it will immediately teleport them to a random location with the region

- Each player has an [EventScore based on how well they do during an event
- Players can type [EventScore to see their current EventScore for this event, with scores updated hourly
- At the end of the event, each player will have an Event Score Rank % determined for them based on how their [EventScore compares to that all other players
- Example: a player who ranked 100th in [EventScore out of 1000 total players will have a Rank % of 90% (since their score is better than 90% of all other players)

- When the event concludes, players will earn any Reward Items where their [EventScore Rank % meets or exceeds the % range listed for that item in graphic below (i.e. players can earn multiple prizes)
- Prizes awarded to players will automatically be placed into their Bank Box (and will be "queued" for their Bank Box if no room is available)

- Collectable Card [Rank 0-5%]
- Naughty List (Functions as Book, Blessed) [Rank 5-25%]
- Frozen Elf Remains [Rank 25-50%]
- Reindeer Corpse [Rank 50-75%]
- Frost Clad Guillotine (Animated) [Rank 75-95%]
- Krampus Throne (Chair) [Rank 95-100%]