Vendor Search
Party Leader
Party Moderators
Moderator Priviledges
Leader Leaving the Party
When the current Leader of a party leaves the party:
All May Invite
Aspect Crystals
Teleport / Adventurer's Rope
Rental Rooms
Magic Resist
Ocean Weapons
Boss Results
Server Patching
Item Weights
Explosion Potions
Shipping Crates
Storage Shelf Restyle Deeds
Mount Gear Dye
The following items can now be stored in Wardrobes:
Paperdoll Preview
House Moving Crates
House Stewards
A player returns from a Rental Room to the Warp Tile location of a house with a House Steward, instead of returning to the house's Ban Location
Housing Add-Ons
Converting To Deeds
An Addon is converted back into a Deed
Four Post Bed
Mass Curse
Resource Stockpile
Bard Codex
Weapon Abilities
Pit Trials
Omni Lairs
Damage Tracker
Primitive Loom
Battle Trainers
Tokens of Heroism
Rune Tomes
Smoking Pipes
Pickpocket Dips
Archeology Desk and Survival Gear
- Players can now launch the Outlands Vendor Search website from the Outlands Help Page via (Paperdoll -> Help -> Vendor Search)

- Players can now type [VendorSearch to directly launch the Outlands Vendor Search website

- Parties may now have a maximum of 40 players
- Players are listed in the Party Menu in order of when joined the party (same as before) with the exception of the Party Leader

Party Leader
- The current Leader of a party is always displayed at the top of the players list in the Party Menu and has a Large Crown graphic next to their name

Party Moderators
- The current Leader of a party can now assign multiple members of a party as a Moderator
- Clicking the Checkbox button next to a player will designate them as a Moderator

- Moderators of a party are indicated by a Small Crown graphic next to their name (the leader will see checkboxes however)

Moderator Priviledges
- Moderators can Invite other members to the party
- Moderators can Kick other members of the party (so long as the target is not the leader or another Moderator)

Leader Leaving the Party
When the current Leader of a party leaves the party:
- The Moderator who has been in the party the longest (highest in the player list) will now become the Party Leader (and move to top of list)
- If there are no Moderators in the party, the player who has been in the party the longest (highest in list) will become the Party Leader
- The new Leader will automatically be moved to the top of the player list and will have a Large Crown graphic

All May Invite
- The Leader of a party can toggle the "All May Invite" button to allow all members of the party to be able to invite other players (regardless of Moderator status)

Aspect Crystals
- Players can now store Aspect Crystals in Storage Shelves and include them in Loadouts

Teleport / Adventurer's Rope
- When a player uses the Teleport spell or Adventurer's Rope, their Followers within 12 tiles will now also teleport to the destination, as long the player is not Flagged in PvP

Rental Rooms
- We have removed the optional "Make Automatic Payments" toggle from Rental Rooms
- Rental Room contracts will now automatically renew each week until the player chooses to fully end their contract by selecting "End Rental Contract" or by placing a House

- When the Harvest Aspect Armor "Chance at 2x Yield/Loot for Harvest or Chests" effect activates for a player, they will now also receive a "Harvest double yield/loot triggered" system message
Magic Resist
- Fixed an issue where the Spell Siphon effect wouldn't apply to player if the caster has 0 Magery (and using a scroll)
Ocean Weapons
- Fixed an issue where Ocean Weapons (Harpoon / Trident) were doing less PvP Damage than intended while on Land
Boss Results
- Fixed an issue where the Boss Results menu wouldn't show who received a Token of Heroism for natural spawned (unsummoned) Bosses

Server Patching
- World Saves for the server will be skipped while a Patch Countdown is in progress (similar to skipping Saves while Tournaments are in progress)
- Players will see a "World save skipped due to pending patch" system message when this occurs
- Fixed an issue that was causing the Customizations "Heavy Industry" and "Assembly Line" to not properly increase the speed of crafting
- The "Sort By Points Unlocked" option for the Redline menu has now been split into 2 modes: "Sort By Most Points Unlocked" and "Sort By Least Points Unlocked"

Item Weights
- Cloth now weighs 0.02 Stones (previously was 0.1)
- Bolt of Cloth now weighs 1 Stone (previously was 5)
Explosion Potions
- Fixed some outlier issues where Explosion Potions stuck onto creatures could explode and damage/flag players or followers

- If an Explosion Potion is stuck to a creature and the creature dies before it explodes, the potion will now drop to the ground at that location, and it will detonate as normal (and only damage monsters)

Shipping Crates
- Fixed an issue where players with Shipping Crates unlocked for a house could sometimes incorrectly get a "You must own a house to use shipping crates" response when attempting to use them
Storage Shelf Restyle Deeds
- Players no longer need to have the Storage Shelf in their backpack in order to apply a Storage Shelf Restyle Deed to it
- Fixed an issue where storage shelves with Winter Storage Shelf Restyle unlocked could not rotate through all possible ItemIDs for it
Mount Gear Dye
- Crafting Mount Gear Dye from the Blacksmithing skill will now require 3 Mastercrafting Diagrams instead of 1 Aspect Triumph
- Mount Gear Dye are now crafted in increments of 6 (previously was 5)

The following items can now be stored in Wardrobes:
- Armored Magical Wizard's Hat
- Orcish Kin Mask
- Uruk Kin Mask
- Skeletal Kin Mask
Paperdoll Preview
- Fixed the paperdoll preview graphic for Rolled Low Boots
- Players will now have to triple-click the "Retrieve Deed" mechanic on Dockmasters in order to confirm retrieving a ship in Deed form

- Players will now have 60 Stable Slots available by default (previously was 10)
- Players will no longer increase their Stable Slots based on their character's Animal Lore or Veterinary skills (this was causing issues with Echoes)
- The Fertility of Mount Breeding pets will now display in the creature lists of the Stablemaster menu

- Fixed an issue where players inside of an Omni Lair or Dungeon could potentially Track other players/creatures that were part of a different Dungeon/area
House Moving Crates
- When Demolishing a house and creating Moving Crates, any Containers in the house that contain exactly 125 Items will function as their own Moving Crate (i.e they will not be dropped into a new wooden Moving Crate)

- When retrieved at the new house the Container will be resolved just like a wooden Moving Crate would

House Stewards
- If a house has an active Warp Tile unlocked and configured, any players who use House Stewards to visit Rental Rooms will now return to the Warp Tile location (instead of House Ban Location) when using the "Exit to House Steward" feature

A player returns from a Rental Room to the Warp Tile location of a house with a House Steward, instead of returning to the house's Ban Location
Housing Add-Ons
Converting To Deeds
- Instead of using a Hatchet/Axe, players can now convert any Addons placed inside of houses back into a Deed by shift-clicking anywhere on the Addon and selecting the "Convert to Deed" context menu entry

- The player will be asked to perform the action a second time in order to confirm conversion back into a Deed

An Addon is converted back into a Deed
Four Post Bed
- Fixed an issue where Four Post Beds would have an unintended "stones" graphic nearby
- Players can convert any currently placed Four Post Bed back into a deed and then place it down again to remove the unintended graphic

Mass Curse
- The Mass Curse spell will have now have the "Harmful" flag for its cursor handling
Resource Stockpile
- Players can now store Wool in any Resource Stockpile

Bard Codex
- Fixed an issue where Upgrades to the Bard Codex would not properly check to see if the player had a Bard Codex in their backpack
Weapon Abilities
- Players will now receive a "Weapon ability ready" system message when they have a full weapon ability meter

Pit Trials
- Players in Pit Trials will now always flag as Green (Ally) to each other
- Players who are Murderers will be considered Innocent during Pit Trials, and beneficial actions on them will not be considered Criminal
- Players who are resurrected during a Pit Trial will automatically have their Pit Trial Hotbar reappear if it was displayed when they died
Omni Lairs
- Omni Lairs now are "Stamina-Free zones" where players can push through players and creatures without losing Stamina
Damage Tracker
- Mechanics that "Close all Gumps/Menus" will no longer close DamageTracker menus
Primitive Loom
- Primitive Looms should now be working as intended

Battle Trainers
- Fixed an issue where Berserk summons such as Blade Spirits and Energy Vortex fighting a Battle Trainer in town could cause the Battle Trainer to become killed by Town Guards
Tokens of Heroism
- The chance for a Boss to drop a Token of Heroism on death is 100% (no change)
- The base chance for a Mini-Boss to drop a Token of Heroism on death is 50% (no change)
- For each additional time that a Guild summons the same Mini-Boss during a week, the guild will receive a cumulative +10% chance bonus for that Mini-Boss type to drop a Token of Heroism (if they summoned it)

Rune Tomes
- When players Manage Runes for a Rune Tome, clicking the Up Arrow for the top-most rune will now send the rune to the bottom of the list
- Conversely, clicking the Down Arrow for the bottom-most rune will now send the rune to the top of the list

Smoking Pipes
- Fixed an issue where using the last charge of a Smoking Pipe would incorrectly display a Hue 0 smoke effect (instead of the item's hue)
Pickpocket Dips
- Players can now use Pickpocket Dips from 2 tiles away (previously was 1 tile)
- Fixed an issue that was causing Swashbuckler Stranger NPCs to have an incorrect amount of hit points
Archeology Desk and Survival Gear
- Players can now click the "Archeology Desk and Survival Gear" button on the gold Player Editor statue menu while on the TEST SHARD to receive an Archeology Desk and 500 Survival Gear (for the purposes of testing Pit Trials)
- Players will still need to place a House and lock down an Archeology Desk in order to activate a Pit Trial while on the TEST SHARD