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PATCH Patch Notes for June 8, 2019


Staff Member
Patch Notes

Outlands Lottery
  • Outlands will now have a Monthly Lottery that players can purchase tickets from

Players can purchase Lottery Tickets or view past Lottery results by visiting Gwenyth the Lottery Official at the entrance of the Prevalia Casino and doing any of the following:
  • Double-Clicking Gwenyth
  • Shift-Clicking and selecting "Buy" from Gwenyth's Context Menu
  • Saying "Ticket" or "Raffle" or "Lottery" or "Vendor" out loud near Gwenyth

  • Players can purchase Lottery Tickets by clicking the "Purchase Ticket" button on the Lottery page
  • Lottery Tickets cost 1,000 gold each and must remain in the player's bank box to be valid for a lottery (if they are not in a player's bank box at the time of the drawing, the player will have to wait for the next month's lottery for those tickets)
  • Players will receive a text warning if they remove Lottery tickets from a bank box

  • Players can view past Lottery Results by clicking the Left/Right arrows at the bottom of the Lottery page and navigating to the desired "Lottery End Date" of the drawing they are looking for
  • Lottery Drawings will occur at the start of a new month around the same time as Society Jobs are reset and winners will be announced to all players

  • If a player receives a Winning Lottery Ticket, it will be deposited in their bank box
  • Players can double-click a Winning Lottery Ticket to claim it (either in their backpack or bank box) and receive their reward, which will be deposited into their bank box (using the "Bank Queuing" mechanic if they dont have room for any more items)

  • Monthly Lotteries by default will have 1 Winning Player who will receive 50% of the total gold spent on tickets for that month

However, in lieu of our Casino Jackpot reaching a massive sum, the first month of our lottery will feature a special lottery with multiple winners as follows:

1 Player: 5,000,000 Gold each
10 Players: 1,000,000 Gold each
20 Players: 100,000 Gold each
100 Players: 10,000 Gold each

Players may potentially win multiple rewards from the first month's lottery (i.e. each ticket has a chance to win)

Distribution Chests
  • Distribution Chest have been renabled
  • Fixed an issue where Secured or Locked Distribution Chests were distributing items but not releasing items that were being distributed (i.e. they would stay locked down in players backpacks / banks and would not be movable)
  • Players can now close the Distribution Chest gump window and reopen it and not lose their players list
  • Fixed an issue where players couldn't navigate to additional player pages in the players list
  • The "Single" button has been renamed "Solo"
  • The "All On Screen" button has been renamed "Nearby"
  • Added a "Boss" button which will allow a player who has the [BossResults window open to add all friendly players (party members / guild members) from their currently displayed Boss Event into their Distribution Chest player's list

Tournament Schedule
  • Fixed tournament schedule (should now display correct day of Saturday)

Region Bonuses
  • Experience Gain (Aspect XP, Mastery Chain XP, Pet XP gain rates) will now to be a Region Bonus every week and is now active on the server this week

House Gating
  • Removed the Friend/Co-Owner/Owner requirement to gate into a house location

  • Custodians will not respawn at a boss location until 15 minutes after the boss has been killed

Explosion Potions
  • If players throw an Explosion Potion at a creature that has Telekinesis currently cast on it (i.e. the Sticky Explosion Potion mechanic), the explosion will only damage nearby NPCs and never hit nearby players or tamed/summoned creatures

Map Location Audit
  • Conducted an audit of all Treasure Map, Fishing Map, Lumber Map, Ore Map, and Skinning Map and removed a number of locations that are now occupied by houses as well as Fishing Maps in areas such as the Daemon Keep region

Hinder / Entangle
  • Hinder and Entangle will no longer provide flat damage bonuses if already on place on a creature and becoming "stacked"
  • Players who inflict a Hinder effect on a creature (using the Archery Weapon Special) who is already currently Hindered or Entangled will increase their damage against the creature by an additional 50% (bringing the total Weapon Special Damage bonus to +100%)

  • Players will no longer be able to gain Animal Taming skill while currently within a house

Tamed Creature Releasing
  • Tamed Creatures that are released by their owner will now automatically be Pacified (i.e. Peacemaking) for 1 hour until they are auto-deleted
  • Tamed Creatures will no longer be auto-deleted if released in town; will now simply be Pacified and autodeleted if untamed for 1 hour
  • If a player tames a creature, it will remove any existing Peacemaking / Discordance/ Provocation effect on it (and remove the auto-deletion countdown)

  • Players cannot select "Repent" from the Murderer Penalty gump if they have killed players in the last 24 hours players who have not yet made a decision on giving them a murder count or not

Outlands Collectable Cards
  • Fixed card graphics for Cavernam Dungeon, Cavernam Mini-Boss, Cavernam Boss

Stats and Donation Commands
  • Players can now type [Stats to see their Player Stats Profile
  • Players can now type [Donations to launch the donation page

Creature Abilities
  • Bloodworms and Blood Coursers will not attempt to use their Blood Healing ability unless they have lost at least 10% health

Shimmer Lunar Backpack
  • Fixed a spelling typo in the Prevalia Marketplace for Shimmer Lunar Backpacks (was missing the word "Lunar")

Timer Ticks
  • Reverted a code change that may have been causing some instability / unintended randomness in the processing time of certain mechanics (i.e. Timer Ticks)
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Kudos for lottery tickets. I'll buy a few tickets, but monster shuffle was complicated and I have no desire to stand around in a casino, so I passed on it.

Are tickets transferable between players?
Kudos for lottery tickets. I'll buy a few tickets, but monster shuffle was complicated and I have no desire to stand around in a casino, so I passed on it.

Are tickets transferable between players?

Yes, but must be in your bank when the lottery concludes.
The house cut should be high on lottery tickets, but 50% is pretty steep. I think you'd sell a lot more tickets with 60% payout and suck more gold out of the economy than 50%.
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I think this pet change is really unnecessary and pretty Trammel-like tbh. There are so many pks who run around and the only people they kill are defenseless miners/harvesters, but when you bring a character to fight then they want to house hide. This is the only way some of us can actually get revenge. Please think about removing this change, it actually changes a core game mechanic for no reason.
Gating question - is the gate cast limited to a owner/co-owner/friend? Ie a non-friend cant gate in with their own spell?
I think this pet change is really unnecessary and pretty Trammel-like tbh. There are so many pks who run around and the only people they kill are defenseless miners/harvesters, but when you bring a character to fight then they want to house hide. This is the only way some of us can actually get revenge. Please think about removing this change, it actually changes a core game mechanic for no reason.

I'm not a huge fan of the mechanic change, but I understand why they were made. The number of times we've seen multiple dragons at a dungeon entrance, which kill everyone, not just PK's, is pretty crazy. You want revenge, find other ways?
I think this pet change is really unnecessary and pretty Trammel-like tbh. There are so many pks who run around and the only people they kill are defenseless miners/harvesters, but when you bring a character to fight then they want to house hide. This is the only way some of us can actually get revenge. Please think about removing this change, it actually changes a core game mechanic for no reason.

Gong to agree with this. The mechanic was hilarious and quintessential UO.
is the hinder update only applied to the base damage @Luthius ? When doing double hinders I saw near similar damage to the first (less than 160 damage with heavy). Could be powerful if it was multiplicative :)
I'm not a huge fan of the mechanic change, but I understand why they were made. The number of times we've seen multiple dragons at a dungeon entrance, which kill everyone, not just PK's, is pretty crazy. You want revenge, find other ways?

People releasing adders and asps in NPD was just pure griefing though. Pretty sure the people complaining about this change are the guild I saw doing that the other day.

They only have themselves to blame really.

This pk defense is just hot air, playing the victim, muh poor playstyle. How do you actually get revenge on a pk by releasing pets.
agreed. id rather see an incentive system for blues to guard points(like factions maybe some wave spawns) or blue npc rangers/bronze dragons
People releasing adders and asps in NPD was just pure griefing though. Pretty sure the people complaining about this change are the guild I saw doing that the other day.

They only have themselves to blame really.

This pk defense is just hot air, playing the victim, muh poor playstyle. How do you actually get revenge on a pk by releasing pets.

I haven't done it but I saw the video Ca put out and got a good chuckle out of it. I'm not even factoring in the "Pk defense" thing, It's just the freedom of a sandbox like UO should allow this kind of stuff. I can see making this change for New Player Dungeon since that already is very restricted and exists for people to learn the ropes. Out in the world though, if someone puts in the time and effort to set this trap up so be it. It should be a good PvM challenge to clean it up.
ya but there are lots of 1998-1999 mechanics no servers really have for trolling like:
a. box blocking in dungeons
b. gating monsters

if we need more antipk mechanics id like to see them be immersive/rp and done with outlands flavor (blue npcs and blue incentives to guard gates ... earn points or spawn waves for monster loot)
I haven't done it but I saw the video Ca put out and got a good chuckle out of it. I'm not even factoring in the "Pk defense" thing, It's just the freedom of a sandbox like UO should allow this kind of stuff. I can see making this change for New Player Dungeon since that already is very restricted and exists for people to learn the ropes. Out in the world though, if someone puts in the time and effort to set this trap up so be it. It should be a good PvM challenge to clean it up.

Honestly uo isn't a population of teenagers anymore. People don't have the time or will to be griefed every time they play.

All of these grief mechanics are actually fine in moderation, but after 20 years you have some people that have refined their playstyle and dedicate their lives to griefing playstyles.

Even on a server as populated at this one, people will notice if it's pushed too far.

As for the release trap version of it, it's not even creating player interaction. You've already put all the mobs there now it's just an unbalanced pvm spawn

Personally, I'd keep the mechanic but have you take counts for anyone that's killed by released pets. If you want to kill people you can take account for it.