Magic Item Recycler
IDOCs (House Decay)
Potion Codex
Ground Traps
Interior Decorator
Dungeon Flashpoint
Rental Vendors
Tamed Creatures
Spitting Viper / Giant Spitting Viper / Colossal Spitting Viper
Container LOS
Context Menus
Mount Tokens
Atlas / Hiking
Summoner's Tome
Paragon Chests
Spell Hues
Holiday PvP Events
Dye Items
Society Master NPCs
Wizard's Grimoire
Time Dungeon
Rune-Summoned Allied Monsters
Time Dungeon Toys
Claw Machine Tokens
Claw Machine
Time Dungeon Menageries
Crafted Components
Temporal Imprint
A completed Menagerie
Some example menageries
Colony Vendors
- The Spellbook category of the Magic Item Recycler now has a "Quality" property similar to handling for Weapons

- Fixed an issue where some player ship Crewmembers would only inflict 1-2 damage in combat due to wielding "Training Weapons" such as Cleavers (these weapons will now do intended damage)
- Fixed an issue where some player ship Crewmembers would not switch to their Ranged Weapon in combat
- Ranged Weapons for player ship Crewmembers are now universally set to Range 12

IDOCs (House Decay)
- Fixed an issue that was causing the randomized duration House Placement Prevention for IDOCs to not apply properly
Potion Codex
- Fixed an where the Freedom upgrade in the Potion Codex wouldn't work properly when upgraded to Tier 1
Ground Traps
- Ground Traps will now only damage creatures that are within a -18 to +18 z-level height range above or below the trap placement location

- Fixed an issue where players were unable to unlock a new Aspect by clicking the Unlock button from the Spellbook section of the Aspect Menu
- Fixed an issue where the Chill Effect of the Frost Aspect Weapon/Spellbook special "Ice Blast" was lasting 60 seconds instead of the intended 5 minute duration
Interior Decorator
- Interior Decorators will now correctly account for "Surface" height of items when determining the floor Z level when moving items
Dungeon Flashpoint
- Fixed an incorrect Green Beacon location for the Darkmire Temple Dungeon Flashpoint

- Selecting the target for a Bandage while having a Spell Cursor up should no longer cause the spell to become in a "stuck" state
Rental Vendors
- Fixed an issue where the Shift-Click menu for Bank Checks would not appear if placed onto a Rental Vendor
Tamed Creatures
- Tamed Creatures that are released or abandoned by their owner should now never attack players (but will still defend themselves if attacked)

- Updated the Phoenix Epic Barrage ability to have less pre-delays and faster resolving projectiles, so it should no longer impact the delay of its next spellcast

Spitting Viper / Giant Spitting Viper / Colossal Spitting Viper
- Venom Barrage for Spitting Vipers now have the following description: "Creature makes its normal melee attacks as ranged attacks up to 12 tiles away. Has a (50% * (poisoning skill / 100)) chance on hit to apply greater poison"
- Venom Barrage will have a range of 8 in PvP
Container LOS
- Fixed an issue that was sometimes causing players to incorrectly be considered out of LOS (Line of Sight) for Distribution Chests, Magic Item Recyclers, Magic Item Vaults, and Prevalia Trunks
Context Menus
- Updated the shift-click Context Menu entry for Prevalia Trunks and Magic Item Vaults to display as "Restock" instead of "Add All in Backpack"

Mount Tokens
- Unique Mount Tokens that play sounds/effects when summoned will no longer play sounds/effects if the player is Hidden while summoning them
Atlas / Hiking
- Updated the random Hiking destinations for Horseshoe Bay Moongate (some locations were inaccessible)
Summoner's Tome
- Fixed an issue where the Corporeal Tether Summoner's Tome upgrade wouldnt apply to summoned Air Elementals
Paragon Chests
- Players are no longer able use lockpicking to open Paragon Chests on the Test Shard

- The Poison Strike ability for Necromancy will now correctly have a Harmful flag for its targeting cursor
- Fixed an issue where using a Charge on a Runebook to cast Recall was also consuming a Recall Scroll in your backpack if [AutoUseSpellScrolls was enabled

- Fixed an issue where some Commodities would display incorrect "held per commodity" amounts and be unable to redeem them
- Fixed an issue where players were receiving benefits of Healers Codexes and Potions Codexes while not having the respective codexes in their backpack
Spell Hues
- Fixed an issue where the "Reveal" Spell entry in the Spell Hue Customization menu was displaying was Mass Curse
- Fixed an issue where some player's clients would crash when navigating to certain pages of the Spell Hue Customization menu
- Fixed an issue where the Faction Trophies for Cambria would display as Andaria Trophies
- Fixed an issue where Ghost players were unintentionally able to see Players/Creatures/Items that normally would be Hidden to them at that location (such as Dungeon / Wilderness Boss Chaos Shrine / etc)

Holiday PvP Events
- Players who die and resurrect during Stalag Grotto Battle, Graveyard Bash, and Jawbreaker events should now automatically have their event Hotbars re-appear
Dye Items
- Fixed an issue where Dusty Purple Runebook Dye was using the incorrect color
- Fixed an issue where Hardwood Tables would unintentionally have "rocks" as part of their graphics (players will need to re-deed and then place the Add-On again to remove the rocks)

Society Master NPCs
- Players can now use the shift-click Context Menu on Society Master NPCs up to 8 tiles away (previously was 4)
Wizard's Grimoire
- Fixed an issue where damage bonuses from some Wizard's Grimoire upgrades would not apply to the "Test Shard Max Damage Rolls" mechanic
Time Dungeon
- Fixed an issue that was causing some Time Relics/Runes to become deleted if being held in a container that was being Held/Lifted by a player
- The Negate Time rune will now have its effect persist through death
Rune-Summoned Allied Monsters
- Players can no longer attack or damage any Allied monsters created from Time Runes/Relics such as Silver Elementals, Animated Weapons, etc

Time Dungeon Toys
- Players can now acquire a wide variety of decorative Time Dungeon Toys
- Players receive Time Dungeon Toys by spending Claw Machine Tokens at a Claw Machine in The Last Colony within Time Dungeon

Claw Machine Tokens
- Players will come across Claw Machine Tokens as very rare loot within Time Dungeon

Claw Machine
- Players should bring any Claw Machine Tokens found to the Game Room near the Provisioner within The Last Colony inside Time Dungeon
- Players will find a Claw Machine at the back of the Game Room

- If a player double-clicks a Claw Machine Token in their backpack while within 4 tiles of a Claw Machine, it will consume 1 token and the player will receive a randomized Time Dungeon Toy
- Time Dungeon Toys are temporarily Blessed for 60 minutes

Time Dungeon Menageries
- Players can now assemble decorative Time Dungeon Menageries from a collection of Crafted components and Loot Items

Crafted Components
- There is now a Time Dungeon category within the Tinkering crafting menu that contains two recipes: Blackrock and Empty Menagerie

- Players will need to craft a Blackrock from looted Blackrock Fragments within Time Dungeon

- Players will then need to craft an Empty Menagerie from a variety of ingredients

Temporal Imprint
- When killing a creature within Time Dungeon, there is a very low chance the player will find a Temporal Imprint of that creature on its corpse

- Players can double-click the Temporal Imprint and target an Empty Menagerie in their backpack to create a Menagerie of that creature

- Players can create Menageries for nearly every creature that exists in Time Dungeon (almost 200 creatures!)

A completed Menagerie

Some example menageries
Colony Vendors
- A number of The Last Colony vendors have new merchandise available to sell