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The Return of the Haunted Manor - October 19th to Nov 2nd


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Staff Member
The Lord of the Manor requests thy attendance...

For he is hosting a most exclusive party at the Manor. The cause for celebration is the construction of a brand new wing, an architectural innovation like no other! What is this creation, ye ask? The Lord of the Manor will say no more about it, only that it shall be unveiled in due time.

Please do attend and enjoy the festivities laid out for thee. Explore the manor and perhaps the way shall be revealed!


  • The Haunted Manor POI in your Atlas will guide you to the location.
  • To gain entry into the Manor, you must have a candy corn in your backpack and say "Trick or Treat" to the Doorman at the entrance to the Haunted Manor. Candy corn can be found on any monster in the world.
    • Players may not enter the Manor if they have recently been in PvP combat
    • Players may not enter the Manor with any pack horses or pack llamas under their control
  • Candy Corn has a chance to drop on all monsters throughout the world, both wilderness and in dungeons.



  • When you enter the Manor, you will have 60 minutes before you are automatically ejected. Use your time well!
  • You will be given time-remaining reminders at 45 minutes, 30 minutes, 15 minutes, and 5 minutes left.
  • Progression throughout the Manor is gated behind keys, riddles, puzzles, or other clues. The difficulty of creatures found scales up the further into the Manor your go.
  • When you discover a key to gain entry into another part of the Manor, the key will only be able to be used one time. When you get close to an appropriate door, the door will automatically open for you and your key will disappear.
  • Once through a key-gated door, you can freely teleport back to the previous section of the Manor by stepping into a nearby red sparkle teleporter.
  • Keys will automatically delete themselves after 40 minutes, regardless if they are inside or outside of the Manor.
  • There are a number of rare Halloween items that cannot be found anywhere else. The locations of these items vary. Some of the items can be found early on within the Manor, while some of the more rare ones can only be found near the end.
  • These rare Halloween items can be found on monsters (certain monsters have higher chances), on spawned bones on the ground, or in locked storage crates. The rarity of finding an item, and which item you can find, depends entirely on where you are inside of the Manor.
  • The Manor is designed that if you discover its secrets, you can mostly skip to the end areas on subsequent visits without having to progress through most of the Manor.
  • There is a healer near the entrance inside of the Manor. There are no other healers within the Manor.
  • There are ghost gates located throughout the Manor.
  • Stealing and Murdering is allowed within the Manor, so be cautious and watchful.

Happy Halloween!
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