Tyr Antilles
Classic UO internal World Map marked locations imported from UO Automap.
This is a conversion of all marked locations from UO Automap into native format of CUO World Map.
Installation is very easy:
- Download 2022.03.28_UOAM marked locations to CUO map.zip - https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqtI3rSJQnG_lnBf3sfQMTydcxUh?e=VpOhnd
The Zip archive contain now 3 files that can be activated and deactivated independently:
UOAM_Atlas.xml => Marked locations on Dungeons and over Avadon.
UOAM_T-Map.xml => T-Map spots from the great 'Witcher's Guide to Tmaps' (https://forums.uooutlands.com/index...hy-you-should-be-running-your-own-tmaps.3439/).
UOAM_Treasure.xml => Treasure chest on dungeons.
No icons at this time because they are already included in the Launcher.
- Locate the folder where you have UO Outlands installed and unpack the ZIP to:
{path where your Ultima Online OUTLANDS is installed}\ClassicUO\Data\Client\
- After you start the game and open the internal map you might want to hide the default marker files, leaving only the three files from the ZIP. That is to not have duplicate locations marked and clutter the map too much. Like this:
Initial posted @2021.06.09. Updated @2022.02.01.
Tyr Antilles
This is a conversion of all marked locations from UO Automap into native format of CUO World Map.
Installation is very easy:
- Download 2022.03.28_UOAM marked locations to CUO map.zip - https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqtI3rSJQnG_lnBf3sfQMTydcxUh?e=VpOhnd
The Zip archive contain now 3 files that can be activated and deactivated independently:
UOAM_Atlas.xml => Marked locations on Dungeons and over Avadon.
UOAM_T-Map.xml => T-Map spots from the great 'Witcher's Guide to Tmaps' (https://forums.uooutlands.com/index...hy-you-should-be-running-your-own-tmaps.3439/).
UOAM_Treasure.xml => Treasure chest on dungeons.
No icons at this time because they are already included in the Launcher.
- Locate the folder where you have UO Outlands installed and unpack the ZIP to:
{path where your Ultima Online OUTLANDS is installed}\ClassicUO\Data\Client\
- After you start the game and open the internal map you might want to hide the default marker files, leaving only the three files from the ZIP. That is to not have duplicate locations marked and clutter the map too much. Like this:
Initial posted @2021.06.09. Updated @2022.02.01.
Tyr Antilles
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